TH12 War Base 2023
Looking for the best and latest th12 war base?
Here you will find the best bases for town hall 12 which are up-to-date. Every week I upload new bases with copy links.
Let’s just jump stratight to the base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
COC TH12 War Bases Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
TH12 Clan War League Base 2023

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
Best Town Hall 12 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
By seeing this base you can tell its very strong base for ground attackers. Multiple compartment make this base stronger with eagle artillery in the middle.
Even you can use this base for trophy pushing for th12
Town Hall 12 War Base Links

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
This base is my favorite one. Why?
You want to know the reason.
The reason is very simple I have used this in many of my war and I noticed that every time attackers fail on this base with any type of troops combination ground or air always fails.
Best TH12 War Base 2023 with Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
People usually asked which is unbeatable th12 war base?
Here is the base for you which can not get 2 stars at all. You can also this base in CWL which is unbeatable till now.
Town Hall 12 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
If you use a base you find on the internet you should always try to change it a little bit. All the bases are anti electro dragon, anti 2 stars, anti 3 stars, anti edrag, anti miner, anti 1 star in short anti-everything base.
Unbeatable TH12 War Bases 2023

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
Clash of Clans takes a look at this town hall 12 bases.
Let us have a scenario where opponent attacks with electro dragon and just funneling at 4 clocks and 8 clocks then all the dragon will go into core and eagle artillery will do his job.
This base looks pretty tough to me. Give it a try.
TH12 CWL War Base 2023 with Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
This is the ninth base that we’re looking at here guys. I have three different attacks against this base but that will not 3 stars, it might get 2 stars.
You can get a link by clicking above the orange button which is the th12 war base 2021.
Anti 2 Star War Base for TH12 with Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
I saw that new Clash of Clans World Championship And I thought why don’t i give it a try of championship base.
The very first design that is being built right now is awesome.
It seems like this place was way through the fact that you can electric dragon Army to just make sure opponents would get to do stars which could have been the best possible option to make something out of it because 3-star could have been way too risky on that base.
This base can be called an anti-2-star th12 war base.
TH12 CWL Base With Links

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
This is a Town Hall 12 (Th12) Trophy/Hybrid [defense] Base 2021 Design/Layout/Defence.
It defends well against a lot of different Attack Strategies at TH12 Including Giant Healer, Miners, Witch slap, queen walk, lava loon, GiWi (Giants & Wizards) as well.
Town Hall 12 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
Ok. Let’s analyze, a charge from 9 is easy to funnel so queen goes into inferno compartment, there she gets insane value, double inferno th and eagle, this is a major flaw.
Also, the inferno compartment has a way to little damage to make someone unable to charge there. well then also it might not get 3 stars.
TH 12 War Bases Links - Anti 2 Star / Anti 1 Star | Clash of Clans

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Signle
Here is the Top 3 TH12 War base 2021 in clash of clans which is anti 2 star, anti bowler, anti lavaloon, anti everything, anti Valkyrie, Anti Queen Walk, anti hog in coc CWL Base.
Anti 1 Star War Base for TH12

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Signle
Best TH12 Base 2021 / Town Hall 12 War Base Design Layout in Clash of Clans. Its a Anti 2 star / Anti 1 star / Anti Electro Dragon / CWL Base.
New War Base With Link (Town Hall 12)

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Signle
Best Town Hall 12 War Base 2023
Finding the best town hall 12 war base?
Here are the brand new bases for level 12 town hall war base 2021.
All the bases are anti-everything and could not be beaten on any clan war. All the war base link is given below the base layouts.
Below shows all the clash of clans bases for th12.

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single & 1 Mutiple

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single & 1 Mutiple
This is one of the unique ani 2-star war bases for town hall level 12.
All the inferno are put in different compartments.
Just give a try to this good base.
Unbeatable TH12 War Base Links 2023

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 3 Single Target
You can use this base for defense in a farming base. This base can be called a hybrid base.
Best Town hall 12 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple & 1 Single
Most of the time town hall 12 attacks by electro dragon, so made an anti electro dragon war base.
By putting air defense at the four corners helps us to defend against the th12 max troops.
CC troops and eagle artillery are kept in the middle of the base so air defense has a long time to attack edrag.
Town Hall 12 War Base Anti Electro Dragon

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: All Single Inferno
Having all the builders closed to each other is a very bad base layout. Base layouts should have as many compartments as possible. Having many compartments can help your base not to get any star from valkyrie.
We have made the best anti pekka Bobat, Miner with hog war base for town hall 12.
Best Town Hall 12 Base 2023

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: All Single Target
All the war base link is working. By clicking on the copy link button it will redirect you to clash of clans layouts there you can paste the base where you want.
Town Hall 12 War Bases Copy Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 2 Single
TH12 War Base Anti Queen Walk

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 3 Single Target
If your clan level is high then having an anti everything war base is a must. This base will defend best against zap dragon, electro dragon, Pekka bobat, Super Witch, miner, bowler, gowipe, mass witch, etc. That’s why I called this base an anti-everything base.
TH12 War Base Anti everything

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Single & 2 Mutiple
In town hall 12, doing bowler attack is so easy. Defending the bowler attacks is tough in the th12 war base.
This base will help you to defend against the bowler strategies.
All the above bases are specialized for a specific attack strategy. You have to choose a base depending upon your builder’s level if you have max air defense you should choose anti bowler base for your clan war.
Similarly, if you have fully maxed bases then you should have anti-ground bases.
All the above war base link is up to date, none of the links are expired. All these town hall level 12 war bases could not be beaten in clash of clans.
How many days does it take to max out th12?
It will take almost 18 months for hardcore farming & if you skip playing in middle then it might take you up to 2 years .
How can I copy a layout?
Its very simple just clicks on a copy link button then it will take you to a clash of clan app than simple paste it on any one of the base layouts.
What is a war base?
War base is a base in which you have to protect your town hall from attackers so you have to design base in such a way that it does not get 2 or 3 stars.
To know about all the patch notes of new update here is the link.
1 Comment
Jack · 2024 at
Well I truly liked reading it. This post offered by you is very effective for correct planning.
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