1. COC TH13 War Base 2023
Looking for the best and latest th13 war base?
Here you will find the best bases for town hall 13 which are up-to-date. Every week I upload new bases with copy links which is anti everything.
Let’s just jump straight to the base.

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single & 1 Multiple Target

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Single Target

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Single Target
2. Best TH13 War Base Links

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 3 Multiple Target
Here is the best TH13 War base with Copy Link for Clash of Clans. This base is done after a new update of coc and all the builders are present in this war base such as Scattershot and Royal Champion.
All base layouts here are up to date with the latest Clash of Clans Update.
One thing before we start, if you use a base you find on the internet you should always try to change it a little bit.
3. TH13 Clan War League Base 2023

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Single Target
5. Best TH13 War Base with Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: All Multiple Target
I m using this amazing Town Hall 13 War base provided with a copy link to help you. This base is test against some max th 13 bases.
I will say its an anti 2 star base.
This Base can be used for Clan War Leaguge for 2023.
6. Best TH13 War Base 2023

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 3 Single Target
Here is the amazing base to use in 2023 for th13 layout. This base can protect from max troops likes yeti, ice golem, witch, bowlers, etc. i would say its an anti everyting base.
7. TH13 War Base Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: All Multi Target
Looking for the best anti electro dragon war base for th13?
This base will help you in clan war which is anti electro dragon and all the air defense is in a different compartment and not closed and the main thing is eagle artillery is in the middle so it will be hard to get any star with edragon.
8. TH13 Ring Base Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: All Multiple Target
This base is an anti 2 star also called square base for town hall 13.
This square base help us to protect our townhall beacuse all the troops go left and right of the base if attacker doesnt funnel right way.
9. COC War Base TH13

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target and 1 Multi
Clash of Clans takes a look at this town hall 13 bases.
Let us have a scenario where opponent attacks with electro dragon and just funneling at 4 clocks and 8 clocks then all the dragon will go into core and eagle artillery will do his job.
This base looks pretty tough to me. Give it a try.
10. TH13 War Base itzu

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 3 Multiple Target
Have you heard the player name Itzu?
If not then you can see him on youtube he is a pro clash of clans players. I have seen his th13 base which is pretty good.
I copied his base but with some changes so people will not familiar with the base.
let me know if it works for you.
11. Clash with Cory TH13 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target and 1 Multiple
Cory is also a YouTuber he also makes good bases for th13 base.
This base can also be used as a trophy base as well as a war base also in clan war league.
12. TH13 War Base 2023 Anti 2 Star

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
13. Best TH13 War Base 2023 with Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single Target
This is one of the most popular anti 2-star war base for town hall 13 in COC. If the player attacks from the top then it will be difficult to 2 stars this base. This base is made in such a way that players will go for the town hall which is a trap.
All the heroes and traps are placed near town hall 13 so that troops get trapped and you win the war.
14. TH13 War Base 2023 with Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: ALL Single Target
Let’s do the base analysis. The air defenses are in four different compartments the town halls in the outside anti-3-star bases and even if the attacker is coming in with the strongest attack strategy in Clash of Clans to not possible to get 3 stars.
15. TH13 Base without Scattershot

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: All Single Target
This is impossible to 3 stars even if you are town hall 12 but sometime it might get 2 stars. You can get a link by clicking above the orange button which is the th13 war bases copy link.
16. Best Town Hall 13 Anti 3 Star Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
Here is the best top TH13 War base with a copy link in the clash of clans. Town Hall 13 base made with brand new Scattershot, Yeti, Siege Barracks, Gega Inferno & Royal Champion. All the war base is made after new update of th 13 in clash of clans.
This Th13 base can also be used for trophy pushing to legend league +5000 trophy. It is an anti 2 star, anti 3 star base.
17. Anti 1 Star TH13 War Base with Link
Finding the best town hall 13 war base?
Here are the brand new bases for level 13 town hall war base 2023.
Here you can get ring base, island base, anti 3 star, anti 2 star, anti 1 star war bases for COC.
All the bases are anti-everything and could not be beaten on any clan war. All the war base link is given below the base layouts.
Below shows all the clash of clans bases for th13.

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single
18. Town hall 13 Anti 3 Star War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single Target
All the bases are designed here for max and low-level builders and rush bases. These bases work in all the condition even if its air attacks or ground attacks or both.
19. Town Hall Level 13 Island Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
20. Ring Base for TH13

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
This base is pure ring base and one of the popular bases for town hall level 13 in clash of clans war bases list.
If the opponent is not good at attacking then it might help you in clan war league.
22. Best Town Hall 13 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
Made a widely open base, so making funneling will be difficult in this kind of base.
Eagle artillery is kept in the middle of the base to damage half of the time while attacking.
Before trying this base, you can challenge a clan mate to do different kinds of attacks, so you will have a clear picture of whether it works.
23. Town Hall 13 War Bases Anti Everything

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
Mostly in town hall 13 war base players use attack strategies like Yeti Quake, golem witch (Gowitch), Dragon, elctro dragon, etc so made a base which is anti everything.
24. Town Hall 13 War Base 2023 - Anti Electro Dragon Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
This base has multiple compartments, making it not easy for ground attacks like goho, govaho, gobowler, etc.
Also, the clan castle is middle of the base, so luring out clan castle troops will not be easy for clans players’ clash.

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
This base can be called a ring base for town hall 13 in clash of clans.
If you see the base top and bottom are very tough to get into funneling.
As in a top, there are eagle artillery and 4 bows in a line. And in the bottom of the base, there are 3 infernos with heroes.
It really won’t be easy to 3 stars this base.
25. Town Hall 13 Base Copy Link
Full disclaimer: this base is better than any base I could even attempt to create, so I tip my hat to you.
Now that that’s out of the way, I will offer my thoughts from an attacker point of view. I think this base is set up for either zap dragons or dragbat.
Zap Drag: There is good zap value in the multi inferno compartments. That sets a good funnel to shoot dragons up the middle from 6 with heroes on a flank.
Other option is to just zap/quake the eagle with those air defenses and an x-bow. Those two middle air defenses are within range of a lightning spell. And then with most of that bottom compartment cleared (only an x-bow and a builder hut would remain), the funnel would be set for dragons to go up one flank from the bottom with heroes up the other flank.
Dragbat: Your wiz towers are all on the top half of the base, so bats can come in from the lower half. I’d yeti blimp the townhall by coming from behind one of the sweepers and having a freeze ready for the other sweeper (I guess this means it would be a good idea to put the tornado trap next to one of the sweepers). Followed by sui heroes to complete the funnel, then send in the dragons from one of the top flanks.
An ice golem and a few freeze spells would give the bats a clear path along the bottom of the base to take out the air defenses. And the wiz towers can be frozen together with the multi infernos. Bats should be able to get through the remaining defenses, but even if they don’t survive, they’ll take out plenty of defenses for the dragons.
Perhaps you shouldn’t put the wiz towers next to the multi infernos. Maybe switch them with the x-bows next to the eagle? That way a freeze can’t reach both the inferno and the wiz tower. Just an idea.
Anyway very nice base. I wish I could create bases as well as you. It would be satisfying to see how they hold up vs just copying internet bases.
It will take almost 2 year for hardcore farming & if you skip playing in middle then it might take you up to 3 years.
Its very simple just clicks on a copy link button then it will take you to a clash of clan app than simple paste it on any one of the base layouts.
You should always upgrade your heroes first because it will help you in both war as well as in farming.
Some top th13 attack strategy like Electro dragon, mass with witch golem, mass miner, etc.
The Best Defense is a Good Offense. From time to time, our players create more complicated bases. They are eager to create a stronghold Town Halls for their Wars. As we roam around some War Clans, we collected the most outstanding War Bases.
To know about all the patch notes of new update here is the link.
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