1. BH4 Base Link
Looking for the best defensive base for BH4?
Here you get Best Builder Hall 4 Bases for Trophy Pushing. All the Bases i’ll be showing is an anti 2, 3 Star Base.
Surely all these bases will help you to win every match.

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +1900
2. Builder Hall 4 Base Undefeated

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer
- Trophy: +2400
Some of the top BH4 players use these bases. All the bases here is new and updated weekly.
Hope this base help you for trophy pushing.
3. COC Builder Hall 4 Base with Copy Link

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +2000
4. Builder Hall level 4 Layout

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Raged Barbarian
- Trophy: +1600
This base is well protected from ground attack strategy. If opponents do attack with archer then it will get only 1 star. If this base attack with gaint archer then also it can get only 1 star.
5. Builder Hall 4 Best Defense

- Anti 1 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +1900
Base Design matters a lot in Versus Battles – it is responsible for half of your success and no matter how good you are at attacking, if your base gets constantly wrecked you won’t be able to get into the higher Trophy Ranges where the loot is good.
6. COC Builder Hall 4 Base

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Raged Barbarian, Sneaky Archer
- Trophy: +1200
7. Best Base for Builder Hall 4

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +1900
9. Builder Hall 4 Base Layout

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Sneaky Archer, Anti Raged barbarian
- Trophy: +2600
The new buildings down and made this layout which is working great. Tried this base for a month and its working great. This base never gets a single star. Builder Hall 4 Base with Link
10. BH4 Best Defense Base with Link

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +2700
Builder Hall is very important to protect in night villages, so we have covered it with a crusher, double cannon, archer tower, and hidden tesla. It will be hard to get 2 stars.
11. Town Hall 4 Builder Base Link

- Anti 1 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +1900
Only Latest and Best Builder Hall 4 Anti 1 Star Base Layouts To Reach 2000+ Trophy Soon.
These layouts can defend against Bombers, Boxer Giants, Night Witches and Battle Machine.
So, I would recommend you to check out you tube video at the end of this article on best builder hall 4 three star attacking strategies.
Without further a do, let’s dig into the epic level 4 builder hall layouts.
12. COC Builder Base 4 Links

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer
- Trophy: +2000
13. Builder Hall 4 Bases Link

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +1700
I gathered together the latest solid base designs for BH4 and will also update them constantly.
Let me know which base you loved most.
14. Builder Hall 4 Base Defense

- Anti 1 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +1900
Best BH4 Base 2023 [Anti 2 Star, Anti Giant Builder Hall 4 Base 2023].
It will be hard to 3 or 2 stars this base layout using Air as well as ground attacking strategy.
It’s a BH4 Defense base anti 2 star, anti 1-star base.
15. Undefeated Builder Hall 4 Best Base Defense

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: +2500
Best Builder Hall 4 (BH4) Anti 3 Star / Anti 2 Star Base [Town Hall 4 (TH4) ] / Trophy Push Base / Trool Bases / Sept Update 2023 Clash of Clans Builder Base Layout / Night Village.
Bases done after CoC Versus Battle Update with New Troops and Buildings like Crusher, Multi Mortar, Push Trap, Cannon Cart, Bomber, Battle Machine aka New Hero, Gem Mine, Clock Tower etc.
This is the Best BH4 Base 2023, Using this base design your base will never get 3 star because that Push Trap will Push the troops to Crushers .
This is also an Trophy Push Base for Builder Base 3, i get +2000 Trophy.
16. Builder Hall 4 Base Link in Clash of Clans
Here you will find the best Builder Hall 4 Base with a copy link, and all the bases are up-to-date.
Some of the bases ae anti 1 star, 2 star, 3 star bases. It will defend well against maxed troops.

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant+
- Trophy: 3200+
Some of the top BH4 players use these bases. All the bases here is new and updated weekly.
Hope this base help you for trophy pushing.

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Baby Dragon, Meta Minions
- Trophy: 3000+
17. Unbeatable Defense Base

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Baby Dragon
- Trophy: 2600+
The feature of this base is perfect for trophy pushing to 3200+ trophies easily.
Traps are placed in a perfect spot so opponents will get confused what to deploy next.
If opponents do air attacks then the air bomb is there in the top and in bottom there are 2 for crackers opposite to each other.
Doing an air attack in this base will be very tough.
18. Builder Base Level 4 Layout 2023 - Anti 1 Star

- Anti 3 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Raged Barbarian, Sneaky Archer
- Trophy: 2400+
Best BH4 Base Links 2021. Here is the New Builder Hall 4 Trophy Base which Defense against most of the attack strategies.

- Anti 1 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: 3100+

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer, Baby Dragon
- Trophy: 2300+
19. Best BH 4 Base

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Baby Dragon
- Trophy: 2100+
Builder Hall is very important to protect in night villages, so we have covered it with a crusher, double cannon, archer tower, and hidden tesla. It will be hard to get 2 stars.

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Sneaky Archer, Anti Raged barbarian
- Trophy: 2200+
This is a Builder Hall 4 (Bh4) Trophy ANTI Everything [defense] Base 2021 Design/Layout/Defence with Copy Link. This kind of base design layout is tough to 2 stars in builder hall four bases. It defends well against many different Attack Strategies at BH4, including Giant Raged Barbarians, Giants sneaky Archers, Cannon carts, baby dragons, and minions.

- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer
- Trophy: 2400+
This is a rendition of a BH4 base that I got to use for a few days that worked well against some of the more common but annoying attacks such as witch spam. So far, it’s been working well against witches and even barbarian spam from the south(which most people attack from.)
20. Base Best Defense
- Anti 2 Star Base
- Anti Troops: Boxer Giant, Sneaky Archer
- Trophy:
New video on Clash of Clans Builder Hall 4 Base (BH4 Base) Layout with you.
In this video, the Builder hall is placed in the middle of the base. And it is guarded with main defensive structures like Air Bombs, Crusher, and multi mortar.
Will get crushed by maxed LVL 18 baby dragons. Idk what trophy range you in, but for my recently rushed bh9 account, it’s 3400 cups, while my older main account is in 3900 cups, which means I get more loot and can reach maxed bh9 faster. The difference is I can 3 star you in less than 1 minute while you take more than 1 minute to get through my lower level but numerous defenses.
I maxed everything, including the lab, at every BH level. Now I am fully maxed out, I am so happy that I don’t have to do anything with it until Supercell comes up with BH10, which I hope is years away.
How do you build a builder base 4?
It would help if you protected your builder hall from building a builder base, so keep that in the middle. Have a crusher near to builder hall sp any troops come near to builder hall should get destroyed. Also cover builder hall with builders like archer, cannon, double cannon, and hidden tesla.
How do I upgrade my builder Hall to level 4?
To upgrade to builder hall level 4 first, you should have all the builders upgrade to the next level.
What is the max level of builder hall?
The max level of builder hall is level 9. Level 9 was introduced in 2017, only from that point there is no upgrade in level.
Should I upgrade Builder Hall?
If you are rushing in the builder hall, add all the builders and upgrade. If you want an extra builder hut in the home village, upgrade your builder hall differently, but make sure your troops’ and builders’ levels are decent.
How Do You Copy a Builder Base?
It’s straightforward to click on a copy link button, and then it will take you to a clash of clan app and paste it on any base layouts.
To know about all the patch notes of new update here is the link.
Clash of Clans Builder Base Layouts
If you are clash royale players then this list of clash royale decks will hep you.
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