TH11 War Base
Looking for the best and latest th11 war base?
Here you will find the best bases for town hall 11 which are up-to-date. Every week I upload new bases with copy links.
Let’s just jump stratight to the base.

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single
Undefeated TH11 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single Target
If you’re looking for the CWL BASE FOR TH11 WAR Base 2023!! Town Hall 11 WAR Base Design in Clash of Clans, then you have come to the right place.
All base layouts here are up to date with the latest Clash of Clans Update.
Anti Electro Dragon Base TH11

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
I’ve worked on the TH11 War base for you. This base is defended against 7 attack strategies like lava loon, electro dragon, Pekka bobat, etc.
All the bases are anti electro dragon, anti 2 stars, anti 3 stars, anti edrag, anti miner, Pekka bobat, anti 1 star in short anti-everything base.
Town Hall 11 War Base Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
Here is the Unbeaten unbeatable town hall 11. These bases were not beaten in war. Let’s take a look at the base. All the main builders are in middle like eagle artillery, clan castle, inferno tower, and xbow which gives more damages.
Best Town Hall 11 War Base Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
Looking for the best anti electro dragon war base for th11?
This base will help you in clan war which is anti electro dragon and all the air defense is in a different compartment and not closed and the main thing is eagle artillery is in the middle so it will be hard to get any star with edragon.
TH11 War Base Anti Electro Dragon

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
If you use a base you find on the internet you should always try to change it a little bit. All the bases are anti electro dragon, anti 2 stars, anti 3 stars, anti edrag, anti miner, anti 1 star in short anti-everything base.
Unbeatable TH11 War Bases

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
Clash of Clans takes a look at this town hall 12 bases.
Let us have a scenario where opponent attacks with electro dragon and just funneling at 4 clocks and 8 clocks then all the dragon will go into core and eagle artillery will do his job.
This base looks pretty tough to me. Give it a try.
Unbeatable TH11 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Multiple Target
This is the ninth base that we’re looking at here guys. I have three different attacks against this base but that will not 3 stars, it might get 2 stars.
You can get a link by clicking above the orange button which is the th11 war base 2023.
Onehive TH11 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
If a th11 or TH12 don’t 3 stars then they are horrible.
The problem with symmetrical bases against decent attackers is I can AQ walk and not care which way she goes making funneling easy.
I can anticipate where hogs or loons will go so I can pre-plan spells.
Having the TH inside means the maxed troops that will come from a wall wrecker will have lots of buildings to destroy. I’d redo everything and look up anti 3 starbases.
But as SC continues to make rushing and non-skill attacks more viable it won’t matter. This is a Best Town Hall 11 War Base Copy Links.
TH 11 War Base without Eagle Artillery

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
This is a Town Hall 11 (Th11) war [defense] Base 2023 Design/Layout/Defence. It defends well against a lot of different Attack Strategies at TH11 Including Giant Healer, Miners, Witch slap, queen walk, lava loon, GiWi (Giants & Wizards) as well.
TH11 War Bases Anti 1 Star

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single Target
Ok. Let’s analyze, a charge from 9 is easy to funnel so queen goes into inferno compartment, there she gets insane value, double inferno th and eagle, this is a major flaw.
Also, the inferno compartment has a way to little damage to make someone unable to charge there. well then also it might not get 3 stars.
TH11 Hybrid Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
Let’s do the base analysis. The air defenses are in four different compartments the town halls in the outside anti-3-star and even if the attacker is coming in with the strongest attack strategy in Clash of Clans to not possible to get 3 stars.
TH11 War Base Copy Link

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single Target
This is impossible to 3 stars even if you are town hall 12 but sometime it might get 2 stars. You can get a link by clicking above the orange button which is the th11 war base copy link.
Best Town Hall 11 Anti 3 Star Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
New TH11 War Base Link 2023 with Copy Link in clash of clans. It’s an anti 2 star, anti 3 stars, anti bowler, anti lava loon, anti-everything, anti-Valkyrie, Anti Queen Walk, anti hog in coc CWL Base Link.
TH11 War base 2023 Anti Electro Dragon
Finding the best town hall 11 war base?
Here are the brand new bases for level 11 town hall war base 2023.
All the bases are anti-everything and could not be beaten on any clan war. All the war base link is given below the base layouts.
Below shows all the clash of clans bases for th11.

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single
Th11 War Base Anti Everything

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 2 Single Target
TH11 War Base Anti 2 Star

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
TH11 War Base Anti 3 Star

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
Town Hall 11 War Base Design

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
All the war base link is working. By clicking on the copy link button it will redirect you to clash of clans layouts there you can paste the base where you want.
Town Hall 11 War base Anti Electro Dragon

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: 1 Multiple & 1 Single
Usually, th11 do miner, GoBo, GoWiPe, GoHo, Electro Dragong attacks in the war base because of loots. So they become great attacking with the miner. The main thing in the miner attack is doing funnel. So the base is made in such a way that it will be tough to make a funnel to the base.
Anti Everything

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
If your clan level is high then having an anti everything war base is a must. This base will defend best against zap dragon, miner, bowler, gowipe, mass witch, etc. That’s why I called this base an anti everything base.
Anti eDrag TH11 War Base

CC Troops :
Xbow: Air & Ground
Inferno: Both Single Target
At th11, I have had some success using dragon+bats. Hybrid is my preferred method, but I will switch to it if I need to. It works, though I don’t practice slot. I use 11 drags with four balloons, seven lightening, three bats, and a freeze. Then, I do a lightening in CC. Lightening 2 AD is enough to get two more troops. Drop bats while you wait for multi inferno and wiz towers to die.
I am glad that I found a clan that fits me. I am getting too busy, and have been playing this game since 2008. Because it’s easiest to earn two stars, I QW eDrag nearly every attack. While I find this raid challenging, I don’t burn through Itzu’s YouTube videos.
I have yet to find a better attack. With the drag army, I can almost always get at least 80% two-star on max 11. This guy doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s easy to set up the funnel using two outside drags, and then place the warden and the rest of the Edrags with balloons to locate bombs. It’s a three star guarantee if there isn’t an eagle.
Each of the bases above is specialized to a particular attack strategy. You must choose a base based on your builder’s level. If you have maximum air defense, you should choose an anti-bower base for a clan war.
Similar to the previous, you should also have anti-ground bases if your bases are fully maxed.
The above links to war bases are up-to-date and not expired. This town hall 10 war base links cannot be defeated in a clash of clans.
Town Hall 11
The levels 11 Town Halls were added in clash of clans. Usually th11 takes 10-12 months to max out the base without skipping a day.
At each Town Hall level, new buildings are unlocked. The below table shows the unlocked buildings and structures by Town Hall level.
What to Upgrade/Build first TH 11 Upgrade Guide
The best place to start is with the following upgrades: Grand Warden which is so important in town hall 11 then you can upgrade spell factory, clan castle, laboratory, Army Camps, Barracks, DE Drills.
Upgrading Eagle Artillery will help you with farming so you can also first upgrade this before that you have to max out your storage.
After all this you have to upgrade Archer Queen, barbarian king, dark elixir storage, gold/elixir storage.
Infernos and xbows should be upgraded in the end because it will help you in war. You will get low level players in war.
What to Upgrade in laboratory
You’ve to upgrade all of your new troops and some of your favourite attack strategies.
Town hall 11 War Armies
Best war armies are Witch Slap, Electro Dragon, MInner, and GoBowler strategies.
What are the max levels for Town Hall 11?
Town Hall 11 doesn’t have level. After th11 their is level like town hall 12 has 5 level, and also for town hall 13, town hall 14.
How can I copy a layout?
Its very simple just clicks on a copy link button then it will take you to a clash of clan app than simple paste it on any one of the base layouts.
How long does it take to Max Town Hall 11?
To Max your Town Hall 11, it takes almost 1 year to upgrade if you do not actively play clash of clans. If you always play clash of clans, then it takes 8 months to upgrade.
How do you attack TH 11?
Some top th11 attack strategy like GoWiPe, Miner Hogs, Bolwer, Hog Attacks, Mass Witch Attack, Electro Dragon, Queen Walk, & Etc.
How many days does it take to max out th11?
It will take almost 1 year for hardcore farming & if you skip playing in middle then it might take you up to 2 years.
How do you attack th11 war base?
The simple way to attack the th11 base is with an electro dragon with a lightning spell.
Which attack is best for th11?
Some top th11 attack strategy like Electro dragon, mass with witch golem, mass miner, etc.
To know about all the patch notes of new update here is the link.
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